11,749 research outputs found


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    Objective: The research work was carried out to explore the safety and efficacy of a low dose of Sambucus nigra Linn [S. nigra] extract on hematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters of rabbits organs (kidney, liver, stomach and heart). Methods: Sambucus nigra extract was given orally for 90 d to test group rabbits [Test female (SF); Test male (SM)]. Then blood samples of control [C (female); C (male)] and test rabbits were collected by cardiac puncture and changes in hematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters were observed and interpreted. Results: Gender-based differences were observed in hematological, kidney function, liver function, cardiac enzymes and lipid profile investigations. Urine analysis showed similar results as that of standard and control drug. No noteworthy pathology was observed in heart, stomach, liver and kidney tissues of rabbits, treated with Sambucus nigra in a dose of 25 mg/kg/day. Conclusion: Our results justify the well-documented safe and effective use of Sambucus nigra in medicine for curing various pathologies.Keywords: Black Elder, Anthocyanins, Anti-oxidant, Anti-viral, Europ

    Миграция бузины черной (Sambucus nigra l.) в условиях глобального потепления на территории Республики Беларусь

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    Kritskaya V. V., Buśko Eu. G., Akshevskaya E. V. Migration of the black elderberry(Sambucus Nigra L.) under the conditions of global warming in the territory of the Republic of BelarusПроведена морфологическая и биохимическая оценка плодов, листьев и побегов Sambucus nigra L. Подчеркнуто широкое применение цветков и плодов Sambucus nigra L. в фармакологии и промышленности. Выполнена сравнительная оценка изменения ареала произрастания Sambucus nigra L. на территории Республики Беларусь

    Кількісні морфологічні ознаки та мінливість вегетативних і генеративних органів бузини чорної (Sambucus nigra L.) у Лісостепу України

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    Quantitative morphological signs of vegetative and generative organs of an elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) forms, selected in natural populations in Ukraine, are investigated. Variability is shown, the range of variations of signs for an estimation of selection value perspective forms is defined.Досліджено кількісні морфологічні ознаки вегетативних і генеративних органів форм бузини чорної (Sambucus nigra L.), відібраних у природних популяціях в Україні. Встановлено мінливість, визначено діапазон варіювання ознак для оцінки селекційної значущості перспективних форм

    Chemical composition and pharmacological effects of Sambucus nigra

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    Sambucus nigra is a species complex of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceaenative to most of Europe and North America. Common names include elder, elderberry, black elder, European elder, European elderberry and European black elderberry. It grows in a variety of conditions including both wet and dry fertile soils, primarily in sunny locations the aim of this study is to overview its therapeutic effects than its nutritive and industrial effects. This review article was carried out by searching studies in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, and Iran Medex databases up to 2016.Totally, of 109 found articles, 40 articles were included. The search terms were "elderflower", "therapeutic", "pharmacological". Various studies have shown that elder flower (Sambucus nigra).Antioxidant effect, Photo- protective effect, Bone Mineral Density, Antivirus effect, Anti-allergy effect, Antiurolithiasic effect, Anti-Toxoplasma activities, and Antidiabetic effect. Elderflower (Sambucus nigra) is widely used for therapeutic and purposes that trigger its significant value. Various combinations and numerous medicinal properties of its extract, essential oils, its stems and leaves demand further and more studies about the other useful and unknown properties of this multipurpose plant

    Biodiversitätsmanagement mit Wasserbüffeln in renaturierten Feuchtgebieten

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    The use of water buffalos for landscape maintenance started ten years ago in Germany. Now, more than 2,100 buffalos are kept by about 90 breeders, and first results concerning their usefulness for landscape management are available. Buffalos are mainly used on particularly wet sites which cannot be grazed by cattle or other domestic animals. Although grazing of wetlands, river banks and water bodies is still controversial, early results from literature and our own research clearly indicate the beneficial impact of moderate grazing on such sites for birds, amphibians, vegetation and insects. This paper presents a short literature review and the first results of the BUBALUS project at Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) and general experience from other projects.Seit etwa zehn Jahren gibt es in Deutschland den verstärkten Trend, Wasserbüffel zu halten. Inzwischen gibt es mehr als 2.100 Wasserbüffel bei mehr als 90 Haltern. Erste Ergebnisse ihrer Eignung als Landschaftspfleger in Feuchtgebieten sind nun verfügbar. Die Büffel werden überwiegend auf besonders nassen Standorten eingesetzt, die für die Haltung von Rindern oder anderen Haustieren nicht geeignet sind. Obwohl die Beweidung von Nassstandorten, Ufern und Gewässern noch immer umstritten ist, zeigen die verfügbaren Ergebnisse den Nutzen für Vögel, Amphibien, Insekten und Vegetation. Dieser Artikel gibt eine kurze Übersicht zu relevanter Literatur sowie erste Ergebnisse des BUBALUS Projektes der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus (BTU) sowie generelle Erfahrungen aus anderen Projekten

    Functional analysis of embolism induced by air injection in Acer rubrum and Salix nigra.

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    The goal of this study was to assess the effect of induced embolism with air injection treatments on the function of xylem in Acer rubrum L. and Salix nigra Marsh. Measurements made on mature trees of A. rubrum showed that pneumatic pressurization treatments that created a pressure gradient of 5.5 MPa across pit membranes (ΔP pit) had no effect on stomatal conductance or on branch-level sap flow. The same air injection treatments made on 3-year-old potted A. rubrum plants also had no effect on whole plant transpiration. A separate study made on mature A. rubrum trees showed that 3.0 and 5.5 MPa of ΔP pit values resulted in an immediate 100% loss in hydraulic conductance (PLC) in petioles. However, the observed change in PLC was short lived, and significant hydraulic recovery occurred within 5-10 min post air-pressurization treatments. Similar experiments conducted on S. nigra plants exposed to ΔP pit of 3 MPa resulted in a rapid decline in whole plant transpiration followed by leaf wilting and eventual plant death, showing that this species lacks the ability to recover from induced embolism. A survey that measured the effect of air-pressurization treatments on seven other species showed that some species are very sensitive to induction of embolism resulting in leaf wilting and branch death while others show minimal to no effect despite that in each case, the applied ΔP pit of 5.5 MPa significantly exceeded any native stress that these plants would experience naturally

    Морфологическое изучение цветков и соцветий бузины черной (Sambucus nigra L.) в условиях Московской области

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    The article presents material concerning the observation and description of flowering Sambucus nigra L. in the conditions of Moscow region and morphological studies of the flowers and blossoms. For the first time presents quantitative data on the sizes of the parts of a flower and the number of flowers in inflorescences Sambucus nigra L. growing in the conditions of Moscow region. The material can be used for obtaining of medicinal plants.В статье представлен материал о наблюдении и описании цветения Sambucus nigra L. в условиях Московской области и морфологическое исследование цветков и соцветий бузины черной. Впервые представлены количественные данные по размерам частей цветка и количеству цветков в соцветиях Sambucus nigra L., произрастающей в условиях Московской области. Полученные данные могут быть использованы при получении лекарственного растительного сырья

    Evolution of plant ribosome-inactivating proteins

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    This contribution presents an updated analysis of the evolution of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) in plants. All evidence suggests that an ancestor of modern seed plants developed the RIP domain at least 300 million years ago. This ancestral RIP domain gave rise to a direct lineage of type 1 RIPs (i.e. primary type 1 RIPs) still present today in many monocots and at least one dicot. In a later stage a plant succeeded in fusing the RIP domain to a duplicated ricin-B domain acquired from a bacterium. The resulting ancestral type 2 RIP gave rise to all modern type 2 RIPs and by domain deletion to different lines of ‘secondary’ type 1 RIPs and ricin-B type lectins. In a more recent past at least three other domain fusions took place in the family Poaceae whereby type AC1 (type 3), type AC2 and type AD chimeric forms were generated

    Ecology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Huron Mountains in Northern Michigan

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    Eighty-nine species of Cerambycidae were collected during a five-year survey of the woodboring beetle fauna of the Huron Mountains in Marquette County, Michigan. Host plants were determined for 51 species. Observations were made of species abundance and phenology, and the blossoms visited by anthophilous cerambycids